Empower Your Workforce with Essential Skills

Boost Employee Confidence and Performance with Targeted Career Development.

book a spot

The system is broken.

You’re meant to make the transition from school or university to the working world with little or no support. You’re meant to learn the unspoken rules. You’re meant to have skills you’ve never learnt. And you’re meant to figure it all out quickly and on your own.

You’re not the problem.

You might try and read a few articles on communication, or watch an online video on how to have a difficult conversation with a colleague. There are a million resources out there, but none of it is giving you the support you need.

And it’s costing you.

The old way of expecting you to just figure it out, causes lower confidence (imposter syndrome anyone?), poorer performance, and slows down your career progression.

Introducing the School of Work.
A new way of doing things.

The School of Work is a 3-month coaching programme designed for early careers, with weekly masterclasses, mentoring, office hours and a community of supportive peers. It’s everything we wish we’d known when we first started working.Expect to increase your confidence and performance in the workplace - from learning how to run great meetings, and engaging stakeholders to building your personal brand, and leveraging your superpowers. Get in the driver’s seat and own your career.




Our Training

Communication 101

The essential skill everyone needs to master. In this module we focus on written communication (crafting concise emails, writing documents), verbal communication (handling client meetings, delivering presentations and how to be prepared for meetings) as well as active listening.

Problem solving mindset

This module focuses on a step by step method to tackle new challenges, work that’s never been done before, or answering complex questions. We’ll go through how to have a “figuring it out” attitude, and a method to use data points to answer questions.

Time management and prioritisation

We cover the groundwork for project management, starting with the essentials. We teach how to juggle different tasks, prioritise workload, handle multiple deadlines and stakeholders, and make important decisions at speed.

Career growth and resilience building

Early careers should own their professional development. We go over how to assess skills and areas of improvement, preparing for feedback and planning their personal development plan.

About our programmes

We understand that every organisation has unique training needs, which is why we offer three distinct training programs for early careers: one-day Bootcamp,  9-week school of work and our flexible e-learning
1:1 Mentoring
Community + networking
In person



Condensed 4 modules
1 day
Live (in person)
1:many access, mentoring and discussions

School of work cohort


Full curriculum
9 weeks, Weekly classes 45 min per session
(no minimum)
£520 Early Bird
Live (online)
1:1 access, mentoring
Networking + Community
On going training

On demand learning (Beta)


Full curriculum, + downloadable templates + and bonus topics
3 month, self paced and on-demand
Bite sized (under 5 mins)
(add on)
Access to live sessions
Any number
£100 for 3 months
Offline training
Monthly live sessions
Networking + community

The Programme

Week 1: Welcome + Networking
  • Introduction to the programme
  • What you’ll learn, how the sessions work
  • Get to know the instructors
  • Meet your cohort with speed networking
Week 2: Written Communication Best Practice
  • Write concise emails that get you answers
  • Structure your arguments with a clear writing style
  • How to chase someone politely
Week 3: Meeting Prep, Office Etiquette and Active listening
  • Manage your 1:1 meetings like a pro (get what you need from your manager)
  • Prepare and lead external or larger meetings and how to follow up from them
  • Tips on how to work remotely and how to make a good impression in the office
  • Be a better listener so you understand things better
Week 4: Problem Solving Mindset
  • Step by step method to never be stuck facing a problem again
  • Learn the “figuring it out” mindset
  • Why use data vs your instinct
  • The basics of understanding your numbers and knowing what is useful
  • How to present solutions concisely
Week 5: Workload Prioritisation
  • How to make sure you always have enough time in your day to do what you have to do
  • Which tasks / projects to prioritise in your day and week
  • How to manage conflicting deadlines
Week 6: Managing a Project with Multiple Stakeholders
  • How to communicate with different people on a project
  • How to break down complex tasks into smaller achievable chunks
  • Staying on top of deadlines and how to manage others without influence
  • Remove the stress in decision making
Week 7: Managing a Project with Multiple Stakeholders
  • How to build confidence at work
  • How to not be knocked down with negative feedback
  • 5 steps to build a strong personal brand and get noticed for the right reasons
Week 8: Personal Development Plan
  • How to set short and long terms goals for yourself
  • How to build a plan to get you where you want to go
  • Preparing to receive feedback and how to use it as a tool for growth


We’ll teach you everything we wish we’d known, but we also know that learning is a continuous journey. That's where our mentoring and coaching come in. We're dedicated to guiding you toward success while maintaining an open and supportive environment. 

Group mentoring

Join our group mentoring sessions where we tackle the questions that keep popping up. Not sure how to handle a tricky conversation or nail that client presentation? We've got your back, and together, we'll figure it out.

Office hours

Think of it as your one-on-one time. Get personalised support, ask for feedback, and get coaching tailored just for you.

Ongoing support

Got a quick question? Need feedback on an email? We're here for you, anytime, anywhere. Your success is our priority, and we're just a message away.


Tap into a community of peers who are navigating the same challenges as you through our dedicated early career Slack channel. Ask questions, get advice, and gain first-hand knowledge about other companies and industries. Start to build and expand your network, and develop relationships that will help shape your career.

About our programmes

We understand that every organisation has unique training needs, which is why we offer three distinct training programs for early careers: one-day Bootcamp,  9-week school of work and our flexible e-learning


School of work cohort

On demand learning (Beta)


Condensed 4 modules
Full curriculum
Full curriculum, + downloadable templates + and bonus topics


1 day
9 weeks, Weekly classes 45 min per session
3 month, self paced and on-demand
Bite sized (under 5 mins)

1:1 Mentoring

(add on)


Access to live sessions

Community + networking

In person


(no minimum)
Any number


£40/month per head, or £100 for 3 months


Live (in person)
1:many access, mentoring and discussions
Live (online)
1:1 access, mentoring
Networking + Community
On going training
Offline training
Monthly live sessions
Networking + community

School of Work Timeline


Applications open

We are now accepting applications.

Interested in enrolling your team? 

Company packages available.


Contact us
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